All World Heritage Sites have one thing in common – their extraordinary universal value. In other words, their significance extends beyond local and national communities – they apply to all of humanity. 

As intercultural places of learning, they vividly present the invaluable heritage of our planet and of human history and contribute to societal development in terms of the Sustainable Development Goals. Safeguarding and preserving these sites in the long term is the responsibility of the entire international community. A growing number of sites have been safeguarded by a central instrument of cultural policy and environmental conservation in place since 1972: the UNESCO World Heritage Convention. The German Commission for UNESCO is significantly involved in implementing the policies of the World Heritage Convention in Germany and promotes networking between national and international World Heritage members.

The UNESCO World Heritage List

Since the first sites were recognised in 1978, more than one thousand cultural and natural properties around the world have been added to the UNESCO World Heritage List.

View the World Heritage ListExternal link:

Learn more about the World Heritage Sites in GermanyExternal link:

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Cover Das Weltdokumentenerbe in Deutschland. Abbildung eines großen A und eines Z.

Memory of the World

The Göttingen Gutenberg Bible, the archive of the Warsaw Ghetto, the colonial archives of Benin, Senegal and Tanzania, the collection of indigenous...

Zwei Tänzer springen beim Frevo in Recife in Brasilien in die Luft

Intangible Cultural Heritage

Whether it’s Capoeira in Brazil, yoga in India or reggae in Jamaica, they all belong to the intangible cultural heritage of humanity.

Landschaftsansicht im UNESCO-Biosphärenreservat Rhön

Biosphere Reserve

How do we make sustainable development work in specific areas of the world? How do we reconcile the need to preserve biodiversity and promote...

Auflässiger Steinbruch im Geopark Ries


UNESCO Geoparks are regions which contain fossil excavation sites, caves, mines or cliff formations. They invite visitors to discover the remnants...

Eine junge Frau in einem Hörsaal einer Hochschule.


Several hundred UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN networks are working together in over 100 countries worldwide to advance UNESCO’s goals in the fields of...

Schülerinnen und Schüler laufen durch einen Schulflur

Associated Schools

There are educational institutions in every federal state of Germany that actively participate in the global network of UNESCO Associated Schools....

Blick auf das Bodemuseum auf der Museumsinsel Berlin

Creative Cities

Creative Cities is a global platform, funded by UNESCO, that promotes dialogue between cities which recognise that the cultural and creative...

Absolventinnen und Absolventen werfen ihre Hüte vor der Universität Bonn in die Luft.

Learning Cities

The UNESCO Learning Cities programme aims to create a global network dedicated to strengthening dialogue between cities that are especially...