


TUD Dresden University of Technology

Mommsenstraße 6
Centre for Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching (ZiLL)
01069 Dresden

Dr. Martin Gerner, MBA & Dr. Sylvia Maus LL.M: &

0351 463-42308

The idea of praxiSDG is to activate knowledge, skills and intuition of participants in a target-oriented way of committing themselves to efforts for sustainability of institutions or corporations in the non-profit/civil-society sector (community-based learning). In doing so, participants learn to act as change agents in programme design, strategy or operative activities within their preferred partner organization (service learning).

Based on the respective needs of the partner organizations, participants will design their individual projects in a collaborative way, including a precisely formulated aim for self-determined, sustainability-related action. This enables participants not only to learn about the significance of volunteerism, but also to evaluate and reflect its opportunities and risks vis-à-vis their individual study contexts.

_intends to attract participants with a strong sustainability agenda across disciplines and study semesters;
_engages participants in a proactive, self-determined and exploratory way with partner-organization projects in a predefined scope;
_provides innovative term-based e-learning/blended-learning opportunities, including four classroom-learning sessions and optional e-tutoring/consultation;
_is promoted by a teaching tandem to support interdisciplinary learning;
_concludes with credit points and optional certificate.


Aktiv in

Hessen, Sachsen


Hochschule, Non-formale und informelle Bildung

Thematische Schwerpunkte

Kulturelle Vielfalt, Nachhaltige Städte und Gemeinden, Nachhaltiger Konsum und Produktion, Nachhaltiges Wirtschaftswachstum/Arbeit, Ökosysteme/Biodiversität, Sustainable Development Goals

Mitgliedschaft in Gremien der nationalen BNE-Umsetzung



Ganzheitliche Transformation von Lern- und Lehrumgebungen, Kompetenzentwicklung bei Lehrenden und Multiplikatoren, Förderung nachhaltiger Entwicklung auf lokaler Ebene

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