Nationwide Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage

Organ Construction and Organ Music

The nurture of organ culture in Germany is particularly rich and lively. Moreover, it is characterised by a high degree of artistic capability. In the field of organ construction knowledge of dealing with nature, traditional handicraft and innovative technology have always gone hand in hand.

Facts & figures

Crucial date: all seasons
Inscription: 2014
Domains: performing arts; knowledge and practice concerning nature and the universe; traditional craftsmanship
Where to find: nationwide (and abroad)


Vereinigung der Orgelsachverständigen Deutschlands (VOD)
Prof. Dr. Michael G. Kaufmann

Every organ is adapted to the acoustic conditions of the room in which it stands – be it a concert hall, church or salon – and is thus a unique specimen. The regionally shadowed organ landscape which, historically speaking, has been growing since the Baroque era, still characterises Germany today. There has always been a creative mutual influence between the developments in organ construction and in organ music.

A rich array of composition and performance practices as well as manifold educational opportunities for organists at institutes of higher education and in church institutions also characterise the organ landscape in Germany.

The culture of organ construction and organ music presents itself today in the shape of, nationwide, 50,000 organs, 400 organ constructing companies with ca. 1,800 employees, 180 apprentices and 3,500 professional and tens of thousands of honorary organists. The nurturing of organ culture is a cross-state art and crafts form which has an important basis in Germany and is being handed down continuously.



Bundesweites Verzeichnis Immaterielles Kulturerbe - Jubiläumsausgabe.
Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission, 2023